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Alex Wu

Alex Wu

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  • Alex Wu
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Random Autofocus Lens IPRAS + Hikrobot Arms to carry out smart automation2024-12-24 11:02:59
Random Autofocus Lens IPRAS + Hikrobot Arms to carry out smart automation

Primary test work to introduce how the robotic arms matching our IPRAS Ranndom autofocus lens and what's the application that needs this lens.
That is, arms lens stop at one position, the autofocus lens can inspect many different height within the FOV, no need to move arms frequently like the standard fixed focal lens does;
More simple for arms code ? How much cost low down ? How fast your solution to your end-user ?
Important is , you don't need to care how much the object size is next time, no need to code the next object in advance, what you need to do is, find the 1mm or 1000mm object, and mark ROI ( region of interest ), that's enough, just waiting for image comes next seconds.

Homepage:  http://www.soyocctv.com/products_detail.asp?id=1741&cataid=131&Cataupper=119&list=0 

Youtube Video:  https://youtube.com/shorts/HSx_CuDFi20