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Alex Wu

Alex Wu

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Vision China Fruitful at IPRAF Lens2024-07-24 14:47:27
Vision China Fruitful at IPRAF Lens

Vision China Fruitful at IPRAF Lens

2024 Vision China Expo Shanghai was over last 2 weeks, there are tens of thousands of exhibitors and visitors during this 3days.

We ( Tenseal / Soyo sister company in Shanghai ) attended the expo and showed over 20 different lens modules especially 5 models neweast of products : IPRAF ( Intelligient Passive Random Auto-focus ) smarts auto-focus lens system.

There were several hundreds of potential customers or inquiries about the IPRAF lens from camera manufactuers, distributors, SI and end-users ( automotive, phone, battery and power, electronics .... ).

It's the 2nd time we show motorized zoom lens, but it's the first time we show the auto-focus lens, also its the global breaking news for this real auto-focus lens.

The lens working performance no need preset for position/focus by humanbeing or professional guys, press the key or mark the area by demo software, the module will focus clearly for different DOF ( anywhere that is within the lens DOF ).

The application especially for the object inspection that has different DOF height but random position ( not regular ), so it's totally different with liquid lens in the market.

Should you want a simple, easy, low cost, fast auto-focus lens module, we believe, we will communicate via email or call or instant messenge etc.