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Alex Wu

Alex Wu

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WEIDY Optics Co.,Ltd AIBot в сетиЭта беседа сгенерирована искусственным интеллектом. Перед совершением транзакции свяжитесь с производителем, чтобы подтвердить информацию.
  • Alex Wu
    Добро пожаловать в мой магазин. Я рад вам обслуживать. Не стесняйтесь задавать мне любые вопросы.

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Новости компании

3.5mm 1/1.8" 3Megapixel FA lens2024-06-28 11:42:23
3.5mm 1/1.8

Soyo Security Co.,Limited

Machine vision applications are various accordingly on different occassions, many of them are 6mm, 8mm, 12mm, 16mm lenses; but some of wide angle requested might need 4mm focal length or even wide, how to do to have a wide angle of HFOV ?

Here it is, the 3.5mm 1/1.8" FA machine vision lenses, with resolution 3.0 Megapixel which could satisfy many of special projects that need wide angle of view.

The lenses sensor size/format is designed to be 1/1.8" which is large used on 1/1.8" camera;

The resolution is 3.0 megapixel which have high advanges to compete with 2Megapixel suppliers;

The distortion is made to made to be -1.23% which leading to better vision.

If you need wide angle of view lenses, welcome inquiry of this 3.5mm 1/1.8" 3.0 megapixel lenses.

Its ==> SFA3524-3M 

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