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Alex Wu

Alex Wu

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  • Alex Wu
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How to choose 360 degree outer view pericentric lens2024-01-02 18:18:35
How to choose 360 degree outer view pericentric lens

Recently we have customers' feedback to Soyo Security Co.,Ltd that We often suggest our customers to try 360 degree lens for outer view at the bottle cap defect, however we have so many outer view 360 degree lenses, question is : how should i choose which is best for my application ?

Today, let's have a definition between SOD2060 (20-60mm diameter) and SOD0730 ( 7-35mm diameter).

1. SOD2060 covering top side view same time ( NO black O ring, the top picture )

2. SOD0730 covering top side view, only inspect side ( With O ring black on top, the bottom picture )

Please find the difference between these two pictures that would bring you more clear idea.


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