Home > Company News > How an autofocus lens IPRAS work
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Do you have headache at below issues when doing vision inspection ?We are wondering is there any business to inspect auto engineer parts or some other inspection that need to re-focus while below
1. Object change
2. Size change
3. Working distance change
5. FOV change
6. Vibration leading to unclear imaging
7. Largely after-sales service at focus lens
8. Any object that have different height
If you or your integrator or enduser have such headache or one of it or other issues not included, we have autofocus system IPRAFS , our lenses system can focus it actively or passively according to your request while the system find image unclear during flow.
1. No need to stop the product line or just stop for short time
2. Remote focus by labor ( no need professional guy, any people knows word is enough ) or actively focus by software
3. Save much time, much cost, and one lens system can inspect most of different object that within our working distance.
Now less or nearly none manufactuers at autofocus system globally, but we believe it must be a savior for the vision inspection and killer for standard FA lens ( could not solve headache issue ), early understanding and promotion, early taking up market and win more projects, trust the technology and trust yourself !
Don't hesitate, any companies or guys that succceed must be a man that taking up the oppotunity of advanced technology !
If you have interst, please get in touch with us.
Wechat/skype: soyocctv
Email: sales@soyocctv.com
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