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We bring back a goodnews that our telecentric lenses S1DM90-D25 ( 1" DOF13mm FOV90mm ) succeeded in TOYOTA Indonesia plant with cooperation of local partner.
TOYOTA is a world leading company on automotive manufacturering, covering Japan 16 factories, China 4 factories nearly each country has factory etc., in Indonesia, TOYOTA has 3 100% investment factories.
TOYOTA has high efficiency on production under control of factory automation, so machine vision inspection will be largely applicated for their plant.
Our telecentric lenses S1DM90-D25 would be used to measure the size of automotive parts.
The TOYOTA Indonesia plant machine vision lens application is the 2nd biggest customer after Hongda Automotive Thailand plant project.
Welcome more plants from TOYOTA and HONGDA choose our telecentric lenses to measure your product under exactly higher performance with far lower cost than Japan top brands.
Telecentric lenses
We are focusing on CCTV lens, megapixel lenses, FA lens, machine vision lens, fisheye lenses, motorized zoom lens, computer vision lens, M12/M10/M8/M16 lens, Varifocal lens, manual iris lens, line scan lens, anti-vibration lens, 360 degree lens, mono-focal lens, CS lens, telecentric lens, bi-telecentric lens, ITS lens, pinhole lens, linear zoom lens, out-wall lens, as well as Mini IPC, Illumination / lighting, Industrial camera, Camera stand, PCI-E etc.